Let it be known that I'm not a morning person. I repeat I am not a morning person!! lol. But I do have a soft spot for Saturday mornings...especially when I'm the first awake like today in all it's sunny glory!
It's been rainy and dreary in New York this whole week. My money tree plant even started to wilt from lack of sun. But not this morning...I just made my coffee and out of habit switched on the kitchen overhead light. I quickly turned it off because there was no need...the sun is shining brightly and there is barely a cloud in the sky!
Sometimes when the sun is shining, my husband is still snoring away, and my cats are softly meowing for some lovin' I feel so motivated. There is actually no dishes in the sink so maybe just maybe I can get to the other items on my to-do list in my tiny home!!!
I need to cut my coupons for my weekly super market shopping, bring my bottles from my home back to the store - I live in a return bottle deposit state - $.05 per bottle, do some laundry, tidy up the lil nooks and crannies, fold up the winter blankets, binge watch Fuller House because I have to, and I'm determined to clean up every spider web I see!! Sorry spiders...spring cleaning is moving in! Perhaps take some photos for my upcoming blog posts why the light is perfect too!
Oh and I could take a small trip to the butcher's too. I was so psyched about a year ago to find out my little town had an old-fashioned butcher still in operation. My husband loves the chicken from there. I barely have to do anything to it too, just season it up a little! Oh and then maybe I can try some roasted cauliflower recipes I keep spying on in Pinterest! Oooo...
I can feel it...today is going to be a good day!! =)
I hope you all have a great Saturday!
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Ah it's really cool that you live in New York! My dream is too move out there or to LA some day, haha. I get what you mean about the Saturdays, too. I actually like to get up early on the weekend, otherwise I end up feeling kinda unproductive.