Currently + Thursday Thoughts

I'm exhausted, but it was so worth it. For one of my best friend's birthdays we went to a dinner theater who was playing Romeo & Juliet (1996) with Leonardo Dicaprio & Claire Danes. 20 years later and it's still amazing! I know I have the soundtrack on CD somewhere...I must find it!

Dreading the dentist tomorrow morning...I hate the dentist. I go every 6 months for a cleaning, so usually I don't have cavities, but there is something about the dentist I just hate. I think it's the picking at the teeth with the instruments gets at me the most. Oh and the sound of the water cleaning drill...I know I'll have a headache the rest of the day!

 Debating whether I should buy a Kate Spade Watch or a Fit Bit Alta
Both are around the same price and I can only afford one. I know I should buy the Fit Bit Alta because it nudges you to get up if you have been sedentary too long. But the KS watches are too cute!!! AHHH!!

I can't wait for the movie!  Me Before You - June 3rd
I'm reading "Me Before You" by Jojo Meyes. I'm usually a fast reader but damn this is going slow. Maybe it's because I'm reading it as an American and trying to think about it in a British accent. I don't know...Perhaps I'm reading it slow because I fear I already know the ending...

Researching how to make a candle in a teacup. I think this is the cutest idea and with the tag sales starting up I'm sure I can find a lot of teacups! 

In awe of the fact that Morgan on The Walking Dead is British!!! He was in the movie Snatch which my husband is watching as I write this! =P

Debating whether to start pursuing a 2nd job in one those party businesses like Stella & Dot, Pampered Chef, Mary Kay or Lia Sopia.  I don't have the time to give a retail job enough to really see some great extra money coming in. It's hard to find a job off the books somewhere and I think people still do this as a profitable side gig! Have you been to a "Product Party" before? Have sold a product or been part of a company like these outside the blogging world? Was it worth it?

Wishing for the cold to leave New York...I can't wait to see more flowers!

What's Currently Happening With You? 

 As always you can find me elsewhere: 
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Linking up w/ these amazing ladies & fellow bloggers:
Penny's Passion | Grammie Time - Party at My Place 
In Residence | Katherine's Corner


  1. Feel you with the dentist thingy, girl Lovely post. What's currently happening with me......spending too much time on house renovation, lol. Lovely blog here btw! Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow back. Thank you.

  2. Romeo and Juliet with Leo and Claire is still one of my favorite movies! Our daughter's middle name is Claire... and it isn't a coincidence either haha.

  3. R&J what a great movie, I loved it then and love it now, so fabulous. I don't do any of the second jobs you've mentioned, but I enjoy going to the parties. I don't have the drive for it so I'm not getting into something I know my heart isn't in.

  4. I need to read Me Before You. I bet it's a great book! Also, pretty damn excited about the movie. I hate dentist too. And that sound of water cleaning drill is annoying! :)

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

  5. oooh I always loved that version of Romeo + Juliet :)

    The Midwest Darling

  6. I loved Me Before You and the sequel! Ugh I hate the scraping sound at the dentist!

  7. Stay with the Jojo book, I've read it and the second one after it and they both are so good. I use to sell Pampered Chef years ago, when I was a SAHM and needed some extra income. I enjoyed it until baby #3 came around and then it got to be too much. You get some neat stuff with it.

  8. I feel ya on the cold! It SNOWED today in Chicago, and I'm so over it!

  9. Oh my gosh, how was that movie 20 YEARS ago?! Would be kind of fun to rewatch. Speaking of watch, the Kate Spade one is adorable :) Thanks for linking up!

  10. I am right there with you about the dentist. I feel like every sound made within my mouth gets amplified 100x and I hear them for hours afterwards, sometimes even in to the next day. Not sure which I hate worse - dentist or gynecologist... It's probably a coin toss.

    Me Before You is next on my list. I will be reading it for a book challenge (Erin's 4.0), so I need to read it before the end of this month. I'm in a book right now that is taking for-e-ver... It's not that the book is bad, it's just that I have other things going on right now that I have to do or simply would rather do.

    Have a good one! Visiting from What's New linkup.

  11. oh my gosh i can't believe romeo and juliet was made 20 years ago. crazy. i cannot wait for me before you the movie, i loved the book. i say buy the kate spade watch ;)

  12. Candles in teacups are so adorable. Hope you are able to figure out how to do it! And I want to read Me Before You before the movie comes out, but it seems like such a sad book!

    (Visiting from Penny's Passion linkup)
