I Wrote My First Novel...Now What?

This is exactly what I typed into Google and am currently diving into the madness head first. Did I mention madness? Sea of options? One of the most important turning points of my life? All of the above and then some. And more madness...

But first...

I can't remember a time where I didn't have a book in my hand growing up. I read at family events, finished my summer reading a week into summer, packed book after book for vacations & car rides, got excited for the Scholastic "book orders" in school and spent most of my time on the bus devouring R.L Stine Goosebumps & Christopher Pike horror novels. I had a library card the second I knew I could have one. This priceless and valuable hobby I cherish has opened my eyes to endless possibilities.

 Now it's my turn...

Every now and again I would write a short story here and there. My favorite one growing up was about a "Homework Man". I think I had to write a story for school and before there was the internet and computers in every home my imagination was a little limited. Ah, the days where you had to cite at least 3 books as references in your "Bibliography Page." Who knows if kids have to do that anymore? Then I discovered Anne Rice's Vampire novels and Buffy the vampire slayer planted the vampire seed in my brain that lasted years and years. I wrote several vampire stories and even a term paper on them. *Gulp*

For now let's put the vampires away and fast forward to about a little over a year ago...

My husband Craig aka Dill every week would play the open mic nights at the local Brewery. Defiant Brewing Co. It's an old converted warehouse smack dab in the middle of the hipster scene clinging on to Rockland County NY. Grab a stein of beer, play a board game, and see who's mustache is twistier at the end or who's infinity scarf matches their boots best.

So what's a supportive wife to do for 3 hours every Sunday night for 52 weeks? 
Answer: Write a Novel.

It started out as drips and drabs, little scribbles in my notebook. Then the rocker boy got a name, my surroundings pulled my thoughts in a direction, life events and "You can't make that shit up!" moments shaped into something unexpected and readable. The regulars would ask me if I was doing homework and I would just shake my head no and say I was futzing around enjoying the music. 

After I hit a 100 pages I realized I was writing a novel.

200 more pages and a hair pulling year later I finished it. My first contemporary romance novel.
 10 year old me would be flabbergasted. 32 year old me is proud.

So Now What?

  • Self Publish?
  • Find An Editor?
  • Beta Readers
  • Find an Agent?
  • Get over the anxiety of sending out a contemporary romance novel
  • Go to Book-Con
  • Research the hell out of this
  • Submit Pages 
  • Master the perfect query letter 
  • Cover Design
  • Rewrites
  • Working on my Blog to help promote this endeavor.
  • Decide Digital or Print?
In the next few weeks I hope to kick off this new part of my life. It's crazy to say to "I finished my book" when people ask me "What's up?" It's pretty fucking cool. I can't remember the last time I was this excited about something with the endless possibilities!

So here we go!

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  1. Amazing! Get it girl! So exciting, can't wait to hear about your next steps <3
    Green Fashionista

  2. How exciting! My brother writes books... technical ones, but he makes quite a lot of money on them! It's neat how easy it can be to get your book out there nowadays in this technology based world! I wish you the best of luck. I think you def. made good use of your time while your husband was doing open mic!


  3. That is so exciting! I can't wait to hear more about it. I've always wondered what to do after writing the actual novel.
