Writing a Novel Hurdle #1: Letting People Read Your Work

Why is it so hard to send out my work??

Lack of Courage? Low Self-Esteem? Judgement? Anxiety? Uncertainty? Shyness?

Each emotion plays a big part in this process for me and frankly it can be hard to see past it. Putting yourself out there is scary. People reading your words and your thoughts is so crazy! I never thought I would get this far. I'm actually doing my dream I've had for so long. I have to see past these road blocks and push forward!
E.L James had to send out "Fifty Shades of Grey" in all it's telltale ripping of the condom glory.
Margaret Atwood had to let people read "Handmaiden's Tale" and dive into Gilead headfirst.
Stephen King must have sent out "Carrie" catapulting people into the worst prom ever.  

There are many amazing authors across a multitude of genres who have let people read their novels. I love reading the acknowledgements where authors thank the first people who got to read their novels. It's truly motivating. Maybe one bad review will make my book the masterpiece it could be? Or perhaps one great review could finally push me over the edge with enough motivation and courage to send it to a publisher in the long run? 

Only good things can come of letting others read it. I hope...

Last week I said "Fuck it, what do I have to lose?" and sent my book out to a few close friends who's encouragement on my journey  pushed me to finish it in the first place & restart this blog space. I can't wait to get some initial points of view. I haven't heard back from them yet so it's cranking up the anxiety. It's 300+ pages so I understand. It's a lot to read. I'm just nervous. I need to preoccupy myself with other things to not think about it.

Blogging is helping me overcome my insecurities about sending out my writing to beta readers. In the past I would keep my blog to myself, barely sharing it with my family & friends. This time I'm trying push aside the fear and embrace the fact that I want to be a writer. I'm happiest when I write everyday. I'm posting my blog on my personal Instagram, tweeting, and telling people about my book and my blog. I've actually started to get positive feedback from my friends and family too about this little blog. 

Baby Steps and learning from Jenna Moreci's Youtube channel - Here. She is a great source of knowledge about everything from beta readers to cover design to publishing to why authors are weird. I've learned so much from her videos and I'm excited to watch more of them. 

I can do this. We all can!

Do You Struggle With Sending Out Your Writing? 
I'd love to hear... 

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