Monday Health Check...A New Beginning...

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I've been putting off getting fit and healthy way too long. Now that I'm blogging again I have no choice. I have to push through, absorb the inspiration, and finally do this fucking thing. 

Who's with me?!

There is one very important difference motivating me this time. My husband and I are trying to have a baby. It's been a while since we started officially trying and my new doctor has been running me through every test in the book. The bloodwork came back normal but now we have the ever fun, walk in the park invasive tests where you're hoisted 5 feet in the air like every sci-fi TV Show scene before the alien takes your brain. I'm trying to lighten the mood through sarcasm, but those machines are daunting and scary regardless of how many surgeries you've had prior. The tests flat out suck, but at 32 I'd rather do everything I can sooner than later. If we have a problem, I want time to search out the options. At least all the nurses, radiologists and imaging technicians were incredibly nice today. And I remembered to shave my legs. hehe.

Nothing is ever easy and regardless of my results there is something I can control and I have to work on. My weight. Right now, I'd be considered an obese pregnancy. My BMI is too high and my blood pressure is slightly elevated. I have to do something to curb my compulsive habits revolving around food. If I jump in too drastic, I'll lose the urge. If it's not strict enough, I won't see any results and again lose the urge. It's a struggle an everyday struggle.

This week I'm going to start off slow and work my way up. 

Here are 5 things I know I can cut out right off the bat:
  1.  Soda  (My #1 vice)
  2. Candy
  3. Dinner Take-Out
  4. Processed Foods
  5. Beer
 I love a good beer at the Brewery but I'm going to have to start limiting how much I drink. I can't go a 100% elimination diet, but I can knock off those five things and work from there. 

Here are 5 things to Start: 
  1. Mindful Eating 
  2. Portion Control
  3. Choose Healthier Carbs at the Right Time of Day
  4. Go back to the Gym
  5. Eat Whole Foods Where Possible 
Most importantly, I have to drink more water. I don't know why that's so hard for me to do?
 I got a case of Smart Water to start me off. I need to walk at lunch too. Spring is finally here in New York! =)

I think this is a good start without overdoing it and over complicating it. My scale isn't going to break again, magically letting me lose 30 pounds overnight. Hopefully keeping the focus on the "Why" will keep me in this game. This is far beyond looking good at the beach. This is crucial to my health and my future child's health. I have to do this now! =)

I can do this! My time is now! I also need a serious tan like stat! =P

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